The Operating System µnOS on XScale PDAs


Miray Software announces that the real-time operating system µnOS is available for XScale processors as from now. The porting has been accomplished in collaboration with Technische Universität München (TU). This is an important step for Miray Software on the way to establish µnOS in the field of mobile and power saving embedded systems.

The operating system µnOS has already been available for almost all processors of the IA32/x86 processor family for a long time. By its low size, resource saving layout and real-time ability it is also suitable for embedded systems like cashier and automat systems. Whereas, until now, use in mobile or power saving embedded systems has been unapproachable until now for µnOS due to lack of support for the respective processors.

The porting now introduced, enabling the operating system µnOS to run on XScale-Processors, which are deployed in many PDAs for instance, marks Miray's entry into the market of mobile embedded systems. So far, µnOS supports the XScale processors PXA-25x, -26x and -27x. The medium-term scheduling of Miray provides for portings to PowerPC and MIPS processors. Miray already projects a first version for PowerPC for the second quarter of 2005.

From the beginning, the system architecture of µnOS has been designed consequently for deployment on different processors. Thus it is possible to support new processors in best time. Another special feature of µnOS is that the same API is available to applications on different platforms. In contrast to other multi-platform operating systems, a µnOS program can be executed on any supported platform without changes to source code.

The porting of µnOS has been accomplished in collaboration with the chair of operating systems at TU München under the direction of Prof. Dr. Uwe Baumgarten, an expert in the field of mobile and embedded operating systems. An iPAQ-3950 PDA by the company HP has been used as demonstration platform. Miray will provide a demonstration version of the ported µnOS for iPAQ for free download on the internet within the next few weeks.

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